Mobile Project Management for NetSuite
With ProScope’s mobile functionality, you no longer need to be at your desk to keep projects on schedule and within budget. Enabling your teams to capture data instantly, from the job site, ProScope boosts efficiency and keeps project progressing smoothly. This real-time capability speeds up decision-making, streamlines field operations, reduces delays, and enhances accuracy.
Verified by NetSuite:
Process on the Move
Executing the Essentials from the Field
ProScope mobile functionality takes efficiency of managing your project resources to the next level, allowing your team to process goods and inventory transactions out in the field, on mobile devices. It allows teams to accurately record and action:
- Purchase requisitions
- Goods receipts
- Inventory consumptions
Accurate Time Recording
Timesheets in Real-Time
ProScope enables project teams to enter timesheets in the field, from their tablets or phones. This real-time time entry functionality enhances timesheet compliance and accuracy. Because timesheet entries incorporate shift codes and allowances, they enable job costing to take in multiple segments for labor costing.
Clock-In and Out
ProScope's clock-in and clock-out feature allows for individual or team clock-in and out, improving efficiency and accuracy of time recording against your project. Furthermore, because ProScope enables these clock-in and out entries to be geo-tagged, using ProScope’s Geolocation functionality, geo-spatial analysis of entries can be carried out.
Health & Safety and Risk Assessments
Checklists on Mobile
ProScope’s mobile features support you to reduce risks and decrease compliance costs by enabling users to complete forms and checklists on-the-go, including for:
- Health & safety: perform health and safety assessments.
- Risk assessments: customise risk assessments based on the work being performed.
Find out more about how ProScope’s advanced FormScope functionality enhances the full lifecycle of Risk, Quality, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment Management seamlessly within NetSuite.
Frequently asked questions
Is ProScope Standalone or do you have to implement with NetSuite?
ProScope has been developed 100% within the NetSuite platform. Our Customers undertake a NetSuite implementation at the same time or are already existing NetSuite Customers.
Why did you choose NetSuite?
NetSuite is the market leading cloud based ERP solution. We initially started out implementing NetSuite for clients ourselves. NetSuite is very powerful and flexible platform but needed additional functionality to help support complex Project Centric Businesses. That’s where ProScope was born.
What do I need to have in place for ProScope to work with my NetSuite Solution?
You need the NetSuite Platform, SuiteProjects & Advanced Inventory Modules.
I am not based in the UK, can I still buy ProScope?
Yes, we have customers all over the world already using ProScope. We have resource and Partners based in the US at the moment and this footprint is continuing to grow.
We have customers utilising ProScope in the UK, France, Nordics, South Africa, Australia & many parts of the US.
I am not a construction business but I still need to manage Stock against projects as well as some of the other features you have. Is ProScope for me?
Absolutely – ‘complex’ projects that may require the management of project stock, project rentals, assets or equipment will benefit from the inclusion of ProScope.
Can you integrate to NetSuite?
We are better than integrated. We are 100% built in the NetSuite platform. All data is held seamlessly in the NetSuite database meaning you can access all information through the NetSuite Dashboards, Workflows, Alerts and so on.
There is no need to consider ‘integration’ everything is within the NetSuite application.
Are you verified Built for NetSuite?
Yes we can be found listed as fully a verified SuiteApp with the Built for NetSuite status on This allows us to work more closely with the NetSuite community to deliver a unified business management solution with extensive project management functionality.